Below is a html file that has a canvas in it. In this canvas a rectangle is drawn. If you press the cursor keys it will move. It can not get outside of the canvas.
<!DOCTYPE = html> <html><body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="320" height="240" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"> Use different browser. </canvas> <script> var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var message="Use cursor keys to move rectangle."; var rx=c.width/2; var ry=c.height/2; var rw=16; var rh=16; var moveLeft=false; var moveRight=false; var moveUp=false; var moveDown=false; gameloop=setInterval(doGameLoop,16); window.addEventListener("keydown",kd,true); window.addEventListener("keyup",ku,true); function doGameLoop(){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height); ctx.fillText(message,10,10); ctx.fillRect(rx,ry,rw,rh); updateplayer(); } // Key down function. function kd(evt){ if(evt.keyCode==37) moveLeft=true; if(evt.keyCode==39) moveRight=true; if(evt.keyCode==38) moveUp=true; if(evt.keyCode==40) moveDown=true; } // Key up function function ku(evt){ if(evt.keyCode==37) moveLeft=false; if(evt.keyCode==39) moveRight=false; if(evt.keyCode==38) moveUp=false; if(evt.keyCode==40) moveDown=false; } function updateplayer(){ if(moveLeft==true){ if(rx>0){ rx--; } } if(moveRight==true){ if(rx<(c.width-rw)){ rx++; } } if(moveUp==true){ if(ry>0){ ry--; } } if(moveDown==true){ if(ry<(c.height-rh)){ ry++; } } } </script></body></html>
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