The code below show a rectangle on the mouse coordinates and a rectangle on the screen. When you move the rectangle on the other rectangle a message is shown on the canvas. Rectangle overlap collision is a important collision for games. You need it for platformer games and such.
<!DOCTYPE = html> <html><body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"> Use different browser. </canvas> <script> var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var mx=0; var my=0; var col="No collision"; gameloop = setInterval(doGameLoop,16); window.addEventListener("mousemove",mm,true); function doGameLoop(){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height); ctx.fillText("mx:"+mx+" my:"+my,10,10); ctx.fillRect(mx,my,20,20); ctx.fillRect(100,100,20,20); ctx.fillText(col,10,20); col="No collision"; if(rectsoverlap(mx,my,20,20,100,100,20,20)==true){ col="Collision"; } } function mm(evt){ var rect = c.getBoundingClientRect(); mx = evt.clientX - rect.left; my = evt.clientY -; } function rectsoverlap(r1x1,r1y1,r1w,r1h,r2x1,r2y1,r2w,r2h){ var r1x2 = r1x1+r1w; var r1y2 = r1y1+r1h; var r2x2 = r2x1+r2w; var r2y2 = r2y1+r2h; return (r1x1 < r2x2 && r1x2 > r2x1 && r1y1 < r2y2 && r1y2 > r2y1); } </script></body></html>
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